Training sessions on design methods and culture for business process innovation

Over the past year, we have conducted training sessions for various companies, offering both theoretical and hands-on training in Design Thinking aimed at management and operational teams.

These sessions, primarily delivered in the form of practical workshops, always start with the introduction of design thinking culture and user experience design techniques into the exploratory and decision-making processes of the companies. The customized paths we designed for each client and their teams aimed to provide participants with a fundamental understanding of work methodologies that facilitate corporate innovation. This encompassed both decision-making procedures and analytical, exploratory, and ideation processes for innovation and digital transformation possibilities.

We conducted these sessions both in-person (at our clients’ locations and our own) and remotely, allowing us to utilize and experiment with digital tools and platforms for collaborative remote work alongside our clients.

Design thinking Training
Workshop Miro Design Thinkg Training

Why Innovate with Design Thinking?

More and more organizations are turning to Design Thinking to understand consumer behaviors, needs, and motivations. This enables them to design and implement services and products that are desirable, feasible, and sustainable. In today’s world, we must orchestrate our relationship with customers across multiple digital and non-digital channels. While we often have limited resources, we also have more opportunities and must choose how to invest them wisely in order to generate value for both the customer and the business.

The need to design experiences with intention has become imperative. Design Thinking helps us navigate this complexity and identify areas of opportunity to rethink existing services or design new experiences.